Who is AP Racing for?
AP Racing is for experienced triathletes, beginners and everyone in between. What we are looking for is an athlete and person who exhibit the core tenets that represent Andy, his sponsors and our sport well: Integrity, Community, Ambassadorship, Work Ethic.
What are the current discounts on the racing suit? I imagine it's mandatory?
We would love to have you in our team kit and represent our team and sponsors. A big part of the team is being part of something and also providing representation to our partners who can give us these discounts. The apparel discounts range from 20% to 60% off; it really depends on the product and how many we order as a team.
What type of Nutrition Advice Will You Provide?
We will provide basic nutrition advice and offer a few google hangouts + seminars on what has worked for us. In addition, we can provide a recommendation for one of the nutritionists on our extended team.
Are the training plans pretty flexible based on schedule?
Yes and No. You will define in TrainingPeaks your availability and we will setup training based on that. If your schedule changes, you can reach out to us with questions on how to update your schedule or simply adjust days based on the parameters we set.
What are the main differences in training plans (if there are any) between Potts Club and Factory Team?
Potts Club training plans are pre-built 12-40 weeks plans and applied by you in TrainingPeaks. 1:1 Coaching is a more customized approach that is forever changing and are built in 1-4 week blocks based on your progress and needs.
How Custom are the Training Plans?
We will be somewhere right in the middle; more Sansego than Endurance Nation. Our goals are to not only give you training but to teach you how to monitor and train yourself. For example, we will not be telling you that you need to ride at 185watts during your interval set. Instead, we will tell you that you should ride at 80% of Half IM Power/HR or in zone 3. We will help you establish that 80% level and know how/when to adjust it. This helps us streamline slightly while also allowing you to have a custom workout.
Are All Athlete Workouts on the Team The Same?
No and Yes. We have a basic philosophy we coach by, so there will be overlap. We will review your progress and workouts in 1-4 weeks blocks. In all likelihood, we will review more regularly but 1-4 week blocks will give us enough time for adaptation.
We will tailor the workout/schedule as much as possible without creating an infinite loop of changes. In the best of all worlds, we establish that you have a specific day/days off(or any other limitations) from your training. You note this directly in training peaks on those days and we will build your training around it. If your schedule changes, you can reach out to us with questions on how to update your schedule or simply adjust days based on the parameters we set.
How much Access will I have to Andy? Will he be coaching me? Are we going to talk on the phone and be best friends?
A lot of people are signing up because they want to have unfettered access and coaching by Andy. Unfortunately, this is not the case unless you are coached by Andy. Andy has a full time job- racing and being an ambassador for his sponsors. He wants to be completely involved with everyone’s training but we have to protect him from this so he can win the big races this year. He will actively review individuals training(at times), lead the monthly planning/direction for the group and be available for group activities, education/seminar sessions and clinics. He will not be available for phone calls about someone’s long ride or how they are having issues with cramps on the run but don’t be surprised if he does call you out on not doing a workout :).
Are We Having a Team Camp?
Yes and we highly recommend(you gotta come) everyone attends. We will also have a few race specific camps.
Can We Hang Out And Travel Together For Races?
We encourage the team to travel together, race together and host each other for races and training. Andy will be available at select races for meet/greets and team pre/post race get togethers. Like each of you, Andy has to perform well at his job to provide for his family. As such, he will have limited availability outside of the events we establish.
I'm currently a busy medical student, are there any student discounts?
We are not offering discounts. If you are looking for a more economical option, consider joining The AP Racing Club which has a lot of similar benefits such as community support, sponsor discounts and access to our staff in addition to pre-built training plans.
Are Andy and I going to become best friends and hang out and train together?
In all likelihood, probably not but you never know. Andy will be an integral part of the team but also has to make sure that he is taking care of his training and racing first.
If I am in Colorado Springs, Can I train with Andy?
Again, probably not. We would not show up to your job and ask to work with you and we appreciate the same respect for Andy. With that, drop us a line if you are in the Springs and we can help set you up to swim with Head Coach, Mike Doane, or a training session with Coach Daniel, we will do that. We will also get you setup with all of Andy’s favorite runs and some of our favorite rides.
How is the coaching conducted?
I understand that it is in 1 to 4 week blocks. How are things managed within those blocks? Is the training based on heart rate, effort level, pacing, power, etc etc.
Training is based on all of the above. It really depends on the workout and you; IE: Some people won’t train with power(we don't recommend that). We look at all of these inputs and give you the option/opportunity to use the appropriate metric.
We will put up the training at the beginning of a 1-4 week block and then will check back in from time to time. We will re-evaluate as we put together the next block of training. Andy, Mike and the Coaching staff meet weekly to review athletes progress and plans. If an athlete requires changes/modifications or has questions, they can head to our FB page to ask questions(we like this so we create a collective knowledge pool), via email and if need be, by requesting a telephone consult. If we do our job correctly, you will understand what workouts you can skip, move around, etc, if something arises.
Will you have us do benchmark testing prior to the first training block being created and how exactly will the training block structured? Day to day type workouts or get these workouts done in this time frame?
After our initial few weeks of training, the next first few weeks of your training will included testing. Throughout your training, you will be continuously doing workouts that allows us to establish benchmarks.
It will be a combination. As noted above, we will lay out the ideal week given your schedule and give you priorities for training. At that point, the responsibility is on you to prioritize, shuffle and/or ask us how best to do that.
Will we be required to purchase a racing kit on top of the cost of the coaching?
We hope you would want to purchase one; they are really nice. Depending on your membership level, you will receive a gear credit for $ towards any training or racing gear you want. A big benefit of the team are the sponsor discounts. We are able to offer such large discounts because team members will represent our sponsors and wear the race kits. At the end of the day if you don’t want to wear our kit, that decision is completely yours for year 1.
Do the monthly payments go from the 1st to the EOM?
Your Monthly Fee’s are billed monthly, on the anniversary(monthly) of your sign up date.
Can I pick a start date?
We would like most athletes to start by December 1st. If you would like to start on January 1st, we can work around that. The first month or so will be very basic ‘ground work’ that we find is essential before starting our training for the year.
Can I get the exact bike Andy is riding?
You can get the exact bike Andy is riding if you spec your bike the same way. We will have the opportunity to do that with custom orders and will also have a custom team bike for the upcoming year.